Wednesday, March 29

Darwinist Intolerance

One interesting thing about the ID vs. evolution debates going on in school councils and courts right now is the utter reluctance of the Darwinists to even consider anything but their own theory as true. They won't even let Darwinism be questioned.

When ID people say that evolution is only a theory and therefore liable to questioning, they retort by saying that gravity and quantum mechanics are technically also theories. Yes, obviously, but the major difference between those two groups is that we see gravity and quantum mechanics being worked out day by day. But no one has ever seen evolution take place, either presently or in the fossil record. Yes, they say that they see traces of it everywhere, but I see traces of Intelligent Design everywhere by a Supreme Creator. It all depends on your worldview.

The "scientific community" is doing essentially the same thing to ID that they did to Galileo in the early 1600s. Shut the guy down, burn his books, and threaten all those who follow his idea. All this because the view does not conform to accepted scientific fact of the time. When an editor of a scientific journal published an article with the conclusion of possible intelligent design, he was promptly fired. Why? Not because his facts were wrong, but because the idea of a creator scares the secular mind.


Axinar said...

"Intelligent Design" is not even a "theory" in the usual sense.

A theory is something more along the lines where you say, "I bet if I put a burning match in that swamp gas I'm going to get carbon dioxide and water."

Of course you can subsquently run an experiment and measure out what you get on the other end and prove that you made CO2 and H2O.

Evolution of course is a little different problem, but the "big picture" seems to be roughly correct.

One - we have produced new plant species in the lab.

Two - the BIG overall fossil record and current families of organisms show this really wild stuff called blue-green algae that goes back billions and billions of years and has elements of the other major families - bacteria, plants/animals, etc., and as you get into younger and younger rocks you start seeing big plants and animals when the oxygen level rose high enough about 600 million years ago, then you see fish, then amphibians, then reptiles, then birds and mammals, then primates, and so on.

In fact, there are many "ID" organizations that don't even question WHAT happened - only HOW and WHY.

And, yes, particularly the question of "why" is best left to clergy and philosphers.

And, I think it is a foregone conclusion that if there was a "watchmaker" of sorts in charge of all this, we are staggeringly arrogant to think that we can figure out PRECISELY what such an entity might be up to ...

Althusius said...

You're right Axinar, that ID is not a very good theory because it doesn't explain WHAT actually happened, just that we see evidence of some superior intelligence. But the essence of ID is scietists who don't believe in Christianity, but want to believe in creation because evolution doesn't make any sense. As Supero said, the idea of an all-powerful God scares them.
Your number two fact about evolution has one major flaw: It assumes that the rock layers where those organisms were found are really that old. There is ample evidence that those dating metods are flawed. However, it does make sense that those organisms would be in that order if there was a global flood that "shook every thing up."
If you want to know what God is up to, read the Bible, that's what its about.