There is one, very interesting mathematical concept that is not very widely known, but is intriguing to those to know about it.
The Golden Mean, or Phi, is an irrational number that equals 1.618.... It is a ratio that appears everywhere in nature. The Fibbonaci series is very closely related to it, since the difference between the numbers of the Fibbonaci series above 8 is roughly phi. Spirals are closely related to it. The elements of the human face and body are equal to the golden section, which is basically: line A is to line B as line B is to line C. The difference between those sections is 1.618.... This occurrence and regularity of phi is seen in plant branching patterns, animal and plant proportions, population growth, and almost everything else throughout nature. It is found in galaxy spirals, planet orbits, and other astronomical things. It is also found in music, the Bible, and a few other things. Some say that economics and human attitude is related to it, but that's beyond my field.
Now all these things are truly the result of divine design. Some call this ratio God's signature, since it is the foundation of beauty. How can unconsciousness and chance produce such order and beauty throughout the world? I'm just touching the tip of the iceberg here, for more info and phi basics go to here
Saturday, April 15
The Golden Mean
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I must admit, if there is truly anything in the universe closely resembling what is ordinarily refered to as "God", he does have an absolute passion for mathematics.
However, I STILL don't see how you get from spotting phi all over the place to a literal seven day Genesis.
Yes, I know it doesn't have anything to do with a literal seven-day Genesis. I am just saying that creation's amazing unity and mathematical beauty are evidence of a wise, intelligent Creator.
If you want more info, go to the site, it says a lot more better than I do.
By the way that site is right here
And so it is with our understanding of God, that we are created in His image. Not by dividing the whole, but only by tri-viding the whole does each piece retain its unique relationship to the whole. Only here do we see three that are two that are one.
kid: i love this idea!! HE'S THE ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
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