Saturday, April 1

A Fragile Border

One of the hot news stories today is illegal immigrants and the porous U.S.-Mexican border. Some say we should allow all immigrants to just come in, do their business, and go out again. Others say we should reject all of the Mexican "immigrants" and shun them back across the border.

If we accept the former, we will have thousands of Hispanics pouring into the country, some being beneficial members of society and productive contributors to the economy; others dealing and getting involved in organized crime. This, obviously, is not a very good solution. However, if we accept the latter, we lose potential leaders. (e.g. current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales) This is not a satisfactory solution. Right now, we have both of these scenarios happening. Criminals, troublemakers, and dealers are infiltrating the country, and we are losing law-abiding citizens to the nation. We must change something, somehow.

The all-powerful government is doing nothing. Some people in Texas who are sick and tired of increased crime have had to watch the frontier to keep illegal aliens out. What we need is to make the process of applying for citizenship easier by limiting the number of bureaucratic loops people have to go through. We also need to tighten border security so that keep the bad people out. If you are a law-abiding citizen, come in through the front door. If you try to break in, that's a proof that you're up to something that's not completely kosher. Now that's a solution I can live with.

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