With all the worry about our porous Mexican border, people seem to ignore the northern Canadian border that has much looser security. We should be much more concerned about terrorists from the North than the tightly watched South.
You can cross the border (at least the last I heard) without a passport. The checks are fairly easy to get through, and traffic reasonably thick. The border is a lot longer than the Mexican, with much wilderness in between ports of entry. The Canadian ports of entry are very leaky. I don’t know if you noticed that the majority of the 9/11 terrorists came in through the Canadian border. The plan to bomb LAX on New Years Eve 2000 was going to be carried out by someone who, again, entered from Canada.
Canadian law enforcement is weak. They practice the catch-and-release policy that we used in the ‘60s. The Mounties have a hard time prosecuting caught terrorists and punishing them.
We need to do something about this and stop the flow of criminals before something really bad happens again.
It may be already too late I'm afraid. Maybe the Mounties are more concerned with the good Canadian marijuana getting out of the country moreso than the terriorist getting in.
I read the USA FBI are really trying hard to bust a millionaire in Canada for selling pot seeds to the US.
Hey, the Mounties are good.
There just aren't enough of them, or the laws to keep stuff and people where they belong.
Thanks for the comment.
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