One concern (and that’s stating it mildly) is the recent additions to the UN “Human Rights Council.” The new countries on the committee are: China, Russia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, and (as if those weren’t bad enough) Cuba! What a nice list of countries with reputations for being the most brutal and torturous on the planet. I’m sure they would give good advice to France, Germany, and etc. on how to deal with Darfur and other failed situations.
The UN defeats its primary purpose: stopping war. With all the warring countries together, the rogue countries (e.g. China, Russia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba) can bully around, manipulate, and deceive others and get away with it. The UN has not stopped a single war from happening since WWII. It was NATO, not the UN that stopped the Cold War. The UN still hasn’t done anything about Darfur.
The UN is a lumbering old giant that can’t solve problems. The Oil-for-Food scandal, (the program is also known as “Oil-for-Terrorism,” “Oil-for-Palaces,” “Oil-for-alliances with France” etc.) run by Kofi Annan’s son, is good proof of that.
One glimmer of hope is that ambassador John Bolton has the guts to stand up to all the left European countries. The only problem is that he’s at that post only for a little while. The Democrats in Congress didn’t want someone who would institute change, so they stopped him with ridiculous charges at the Senate floor. Then Bush pulled a little-known law off the shelf and dusted it off, making Bolton the ambassador to the UN without the Senate’s approval. Bolton is trying all he can to reform the organization, but there’s only so much you can do within a defective system such as the UN.
The US pays the most into UN coffers, (I think about 20% of their revenue comes from us) but we only get one vote on key issues. The UN constitution is flawed. For that matter the whole organization is flawed.
Good post. I think that America should get out of the UN just becouse of this. We have people from all these deffrent countrys with diffrent world views under one roof, nothing can get done in that place. If we just lesson to George Washington after he left office, dont allied your self (america) with any one.
As much as I can agree, George Washington didn't say that.
He said that we should beware of entangeling military allinances He didn't say no alliances whatsoever. He belived that trade was good and trade agreements are beneficial.
I wonder if it's possible to disband the UN all together? Probably not. One thing I see that is screwy is the language barrier - that must get arduos at times, even with the headphones, I mean, all those different cultural beliefs, too.
Great reading, thanks. I found your blog off of Chris' dad's, hope you don't mind. I try to practice Christianity, too, and I've been babtized like you.
Like I said (and GavinO said) it defeats its own purpose.
Remember that I am probably a thousand miles away from you. I don't know who Chris or his dad is.
I'm glad you gathered that I am a Christian. Feel free to read some of my other posts where I'm not so sarcastic.
Wow, thanks Alt for the comment on my blog!_!
The Chris was Chris Knodel and on his blog link to his dad you said something about his dad was there when you were babtized. Go to Chris Knodel.net and click on dad and there you will be.
Where are you as far as where you live? I started to read your bio, electric engineer I think, I'll continue reading it and your new posts.
Oh okay, that clears it up.
Sorry, can't tell you my location.
I am such a idoit, it would be good to Google this before I posted it to the internet. You are right althusius, I am sorry about that.
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