Monday, June 26

Mutation Problems

There is a major flaw in the evolutionary theory. It has to do with the ability to pass down a trait that has mutated.

Suppose that (somehow, this in itself is beyond scientific consideration) a mutation occurred in the just the right spot, with just the right genes, at just the right time in an animal to give him a “good” trait. You now have an animal with a structure that resembles the final form we see today (e.g. the long neck of a giraffe). That long neck is by itself on an animal, without any support structures. The “mid-giraffe” does not have a 2ft. long heart to pump the blood all the way up there, nor does it have strong enough legs to carry the extra weight and get away from enemies. Thus, the “mid-giraffe” dies, and the evolutionary trail ends.

So, an evolutionist would say, the genes for the support of that neck would have mutated simultaneously with the long neck. Now, the kind of radiation exposure necessary to generate such mutations in so many spots would kill the animal easily. But let’s suppose that somehow he escaped unscathed from all that radiation. You now have an animal that is alone in the world with a highly developed system. There is no other animal nearby that has the same type of characteristics. The giraffe cannot mate with anyone, so the evolutionary trail ends with him.

So, an evolutionist would say, the mutations happened little by little over a long period of time. But then the support structures would not be there. Then you go back to step 1. You can’t say that all of the changes necessary mutated slowly together, because then the animal still wouldn’t have anyone to mate with. If you say that two animals “co-mutated,” you’re just crazy. It’s impossible that two animals would have the exact same mutations and be able to mate with that kind of genetic load. It’s just impossible.

By the way, where was the source of radiation during all this? I thought the ozone was supposed to be thicker in the past. Fewer mutation-causing ultra-violet rays would have gotten through, lessening the chance of evolution.

The facts just don’t add up for evolution.


Stogie said...

Amazing, Althius! I just read a book by a scientist who pointed out this very thing, that radiation was substantially less in the past due to a stronger magnetic field in the earth at that time. The book is called "The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution" by A.E. Wilder-Smith.

Althusius said...

Thanks for the comment.

Ya, if you just think about the basic principles of evolution long enough, and compare it to modern genetics, you start finding serious problems right away.

Notice I said "serious" in the last paragraph. Evolutionists always say that their theory has "a few minor problems that every theory has."

Ya, right.