Friday, May 12

A Christian Influence and its Results

With the recent immigration conflict, it’s good to know that we’re not alone in immigration troubles. Countries in Europe and the West generally are experiencing an influx of illegal aliens from the third world.

In Europe particularly, Muslims are coming in from the Middle East and beginning to te the Continent. The lack of motivation, morals, and conviction of secular Europeans is being replaced by the radical determination and of Muslims. Muslims, who have the solidarity of a radical religion, are overwhelming Europeans, who don’t have any solid foundation to stand on. The secular populations of Europe are shrinking with the decreased emphasis on family. But Muslims, who believe in a family and are against abortion and the like, are slowly gaining the upper hand in the population. It’s scary to think what could happen in the democratic nations of Europe if Islam gets in control. They don’t realize that the mindset of Muslims is completely opposed to Western values.

Another interesting thing, however; is that nobody seems to ask the question, “Why do we have the huge influx of immigrants, but the other nations of the world don’t?” I mean, you don’t see people lining up to emigrate to Cuba, China, or Iran. You just don’t. Why? It’s because they are opposed to freedom, and ultimately, because they have rejected Christianity. Which nations have the problem with illegal aliens? The ones that are historically Christian. These countries tend to be wealthier and more encouraging toward freedom. Why? It’s because Christianity urges people to move forward, to work hard in this life, to explore God’s creation, to fill the earth and multiply, etc. (Ever heard of the Protestant work ethic?) The Bush administration does not understand that without a Christian basis, democracy does not, and will not work.

Christianity is necessary for a Western culture’s survival. Why? It’s because Christianity gave rise to Western culture. Without the values that Christianity brings, many of our institutions would fall. Marriage requires commitment. Business requires honesty and hard work. Democracy and free governments require an equal measure of honesty along with commitment, morals, and good will. The nations that don’t have these things have lost, or don’t have a Christian foundation in society.

We didn’t get to be the most powerful nation in the world for no reason.

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