Thursday, May 4

A Sad Commentary

Okay, so Mousauii just got the official verdict of life in prison.

That's just sad. It shows where this country is going. We are heading for complacency, injustice, and social ruin.

At least he is going to be confined by himself with no one else near him. At the end of the trial he walked out and said, "I won, America lost."

He sees the truth, why don't we?


Michael Prescott said...

Although I think it's absurd that some of the jurors felt sorry for the guy because of his unhappy childhood, I don't agree that he "won." To me, life imprisonment in a 7 X 12 foot windowless cell is a fate worse than death. He will rot there till he's 80 (he's 37 now). He will never see daylight again. He will have no human companionship. The TV in his cell plays only educational videos, and only at the guards' discretion. Twice a week he gets to leave the cell and take a shower. For one hour a day he is moved to another, larger cell where he can get a little exercise. And that's his life ... for the next 40 years. He will wish he'd gotten the death penalty before long.

Althusius said...

Ya, maybe you're right, but justice still requires that he be executed. It's not a matter of how much he suffers, though that plays a role; it is a matter of what is a just penalty for certain crimes.