You know; it’s interesting the lack of difference between the Republican and Democratic parties today. One’s headed for the cliff at 100 mph.; the other is going in the same direction at 99. (I’m not going to tell you which one is which) Meanwhile, their programs are becoming similar as this country becomes more and more addicted to socialism.
The Bush administration isn’t helping too much. Bush has instituted more healthcare programs, more education funding, and is spending money like a drunken sailor. But that’s not fair to drunken sailors, because they spend their own money. (Ronald Reagan, at the 1984 Republican National Convention) The only thing that looks like a possible step in the right direction is his attempt to bring Social Security down to eye-level. But, that one got shot down by the media. (aka, the 4th branch of government) Wait a second, we have the majority in both houses, but we can’t get anything done besides put a few good judges in the Supreme Court.
I’m not saying that the Democrats are much better, but what we really need is someone who will show some real guts against big government; instead of bending to the media and demands of European countries to “modernize.” This nation did not become great by just sitting around, waiting for Washington to do the job.
Lines are becoming blurred between Republicans and Democrats. What happened to the days when Republicans were conservative and Democrats were liberal? Oh, I see those are bad words now. Did you notice how John Kerry (remember him?) reacted to being called a liberal? Oh boy, I’m starting to feel like an old man.
To win the war in Iraq, we need to put soldiers over there, root out the insurgents, and get the job done. But we won’t do that because the public demands the troops to come home. By the way, why did we let the Iraqis make their Constitution? We liberated them from tyranny, why don’t we make sure that their not going to revert? It’s not like we don’t have experience in making Constitutions that work. Ours has been going strong for 230 years. But I guess the essence of democratic freedoms these days is women voting. As long as you let women vote, it doesn’t matter what else you put in. However, if you look at history, you will see that the right of women to vote is not the basis of a free society. Neither is abortion. What about the principles that this country was founded on? For example, religious freedom???? There’s an idea.
Okay, I’m done with my ranting, on to a more reasonable topic tomorrow.
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